Robert Aloys WERTH
DiplArb FCIArb Dipl.-Ing. öbuvS
- Arbitrator
- Adjudicator
- Dispute Board Member
- Publicly appointed and sworn Expert
- FIDIC President´s List of Adjudicators
- FIDIC Accredited International Trainer
- FIDIC Task Group 8 Member

Robert A. Werth holds a Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration issued from the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and is fellow of the Institute; is Dipl.-Ing. for Civil Engineering and Construction, is appointed on the FIDIC President´s List of Approved Dispute Adjudicators and has worked and practiced with the International Construction and Legal Industry for about three decades, is publicly appointed and sworn Expert for construction price determination and settlement in structural and civil engineering, FIDIC conditions, appointed by the Essen Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Schiedsrichter/Schiedsgutachter
- Adjudikator
- Öffentlich bestellter und vereidigter Sachverständiger für Baupreisermittlung und Abrechnung im Hoch- und Ingenieurbau, FIDIC Bedingungen, bestellt durch die IHK zu Essen
- national und internationaler erfahrener Experte für alternative Streitbeilegungsverfahren in der Bauwirtschaft
- Vorsitzender des Wirtschaftsbeirates der Universität Stuttgart und Lehrbeauftragter im Studiengang „International Construction; Practice and Law“
- Mitautor „International Construction Contract Law“

Robert is practicing Arbitration and Adjudication in international construction projects, infrastructure and industrial, in particular D&B, EPC and BOT model form projects. Acting frequently as Dispute Board Member he has own capabilities to encourage and support the parties in making successful use of available dispute avoidance mechanism.